Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Freshmen Assemble: Bloggers Taking on College Day 2

Freshmen Assemble is a fun blogger project hosted by Skylar over at Life of a Random and focuses on different bloggers from different places sharing their first experiences as freshmen entering college.

While most people might be worrying about classes and professors when thinking about college, my biggest concern, and what I prepared most for, was moving away, especially since I moved so far away from my home.  The hardest part of this whole process so far has been saying goodbye to my parents and finding a new home with my roommates and floor mates.  It hasn't been easy but so far I'm really enjoying it.  

For those of you who are thinking of moving out, be prepared.  There's a lot of things that go into doing in successfully.  It's not just moving out and settling somewhere else.  You have to pack up all your stuff and find room to put it in a place you're sharing with one other person (or two, if you're like me).  You have to find people who you can actually stand living with.  And, hardest for me, is somehow saying goodbye to your family.

Since I'm so far away, I can't just hop in a car or a bus and go see my family over the weekend.  I've only had the chance to text and call them this week and it's already pretty hard.  I'm close with both my parents and my little brother and not seeing them everyday has been strange.  I miss being able to walk downstairs and say hi to them.  I'm not going to be able to see them again until Christmas break and we're working on setting up Skype so we can actually talk sort of face to face sooner than that.  It's a difficult process but I know it's something I have to get through in order to achieve my dream of graduating with my degree.  

Another thing that I was worried about with the whole moving out and living in a dorm thing was finding the right roommate.  I had heard horror stories about roommates who just did not get along at all and I was worried that would happen to me.  Luckily, my university has this seriously awesome program called MyRoommate.  Basically, it's like match.com but for roommates instead of soul mates.  It's totally awesome.  I made a profile and was able to see a bunch of other people's profiles.  I sent some people messages and got messages sent to me until, finally, I found two awesome roommates.  I hadn't expect to live in a triple but I absolutely love it so far.  Both my roommates are into reading and writing.  I don't think I'd be having a good of time as I am had I not met them.  Knowing I have a couple of awesome friends to hang out with everyday is such a relief.  It has made it much easier to settle into my new home here.  

Packing up and moving in was also pretty difficult but made easier by the support system I had around me.  I was sooooo unprepared to move up to rainy Washington.  Luckily, I had my mom to help me.  She and I got everything I needed pretty quickly and she helped me pack everything up.  Pro Tip for moving to college: storage containers are your friends.  There's nothing worse than having stuff strewn all over your room because there's nowhere to put it.  But seriously, thank you so much to my mom, dad, and brother for helping me get things together.  Had they not, I would probably be rocking in a corner right now. 

Make sure to check out Skylar and Sophia's posts today!  They have some awesome things to say on the subject of preparing for college and you don't want to miss it!  Check back tomorrow for the next post!

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